Author: Jameelah Trimble

With the end of 2017, the holiday season and the beginning of 2018, there are a number of emotions one may encounter. For many, 2017 was a year of growth and learning. At times, it may have been uncomfortable but that is all a part...

As holiday season approaches, families come together for traditional holiday events and bonding. Holidays are oftentimes what keeps family traditions and past memories alive. From grandma’s secret ingredients to uncles’ favorite pastimes and stories, families travel from near and far to spend time together during...

  [gallery columns="4" ids="300,297,298,302"] On Saturday, June 10, 2017, I had the honor and pleasure of presenting at the SISTUH's, Incorporated National Conference. SISTUH's is an acronym for Strength, Initiative, Spirituality, Tenacity, Unity, Health and Substance. SISTUH's promote sisterhood and growth through knowledge of self. During the conference,...

With the pressures of the world and the need to survive in a competitive society, many people experience stress. At times, do you feel stressed with finances or lack thereof? Are you feeling anxious about the competitiveness of your job? Have you worried about planning...